KSC Import B.V.
Address details
De Sondert 13
NL-5928 RV Venlo
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
and from 1 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Sales / general
Phone: +31 (0)77-396 9824
Telefax: +31 (0)77-387 5222
E-Mail: info (@) kscimport.nl
Phone: +31 (0)77-354 2220
Telefax: +31 (0)77-387 5222
E-Mail: finance (@) kscimport.nl
General information
Chamber of Commerce Venlo no. 66347025
VAT no. NL856505468B01
Terms of delivery as filed with the Venlo Chamber of Commerce.